The more you talk of healthy heart in women, the more intriguing you are; wanting to know one new aspect of the matter or the other. However, it is obvious that such a topic can not be overlooked in the social, economic and the scientific terrains of the society; more so as glaring facts and figures are coming forth to the knowledge of a wider section of human populace.
You keep wondering, why people have to die of a heart disease or heart attack considering the fact that a healthy heart is designed to be very powerful and durable. It is a wonder pump built of tough materials that do not break down easily. Its muscles are different in the way they are put together; they are more durable than any other muscle tissue of the body. No other organ of the body works as hard and as long as the heart.
I can see a convincing similarity in the way the healthy heart operates and women’s activities especially at the home front. They work tirelessly and stay awake longer than most other members of the family. As long as you are alive, the heart never stops working, even when you are asleep. It has enormous reserve powers to meet any crisis situation that may arise; that is, emotional fluctuations. Times of anger, excitement, disappointment or panic all make the heart to perform extra task of beating (pumping) faster so as to supply enough blood to sustain the body in time of crisis. Apart from the relentless caring for the family, women are also recognized as having more tender ‘heart’ (tender mind; really), whereby in most cases, they find it easier to forgive anyone who offended them and let go the matter than their male counterpart.
So what are we really driving at here? Oh yes! The less the grip you maintain on matters arising in your day-to-day life, the better off you are; learn to ‘let go and let God’ (as they say). I tell you, many people need to be reminded time and time again that we live only one life, which is the reality!
Now let us take a snappy look at this scenario: The healthy heart itself is an undisputable example of forbearance, endurance and all such qualities of that nature. It works on and on without thinking of taking a rest like ‘others’ (hands, legs, eyes, mouth, etc) realizing that the life of the whole body depends on its ability to keep on the ‘beats’. The same way, I am calling on women who are helping in spurring on the society; to keep on bracing the challenges with more courage, cheerfulness and optimism. However, you must take some rest and relax always, the point I’m trying to make here is that you keep on doing your best always with less agitation and acrimony. The ‘example of the heart’ here is a sure way to a healthy heart!